Premaster Program

Premaster Program

It is a preparatory master’s program designed to help students prepare for graduate studies at universities in the United States and the United Kingdom. The program focuses on developing the academic and language skills necessary for success in graduate studies, including:

Academic Writing Skills

Academic Writing Skills: Students learn how to write essays and research reports according to academic standards.

Research skills

Research skills: Students learn how to collect, analyze and present information in a scientific way.

Academic Reading Skills

Academic Reading Skills: Students learn how to read and understand academic texts critically.

Academic Reading Skills

English Language Skills: Students improve their English language skills, including grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Features of the Premaster program:

The program helps students adjust to life in the United States or the United Kingdom.

The program focuses on the practical skills students need to succeed in graduate studies.

Who can enroll in the Premaster program?

University graduates who wish to pursue graduate studies in the United States or the United Kingdom.

Students who want to improve their chances of admission to a master's program.

Students who do not have the language or academic skills necessary to enter the master's program directly.

Duration of the Premaster Program:

The duration of the Premaster program varies from university to university, but usually ranges between 6 months and 12 months.

Cost of the Premaster Program:

The cost of the Pre-Masters program varies from one university to another.

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